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As a nickname, some people who I play online games with gave me the name "NAME". In addition to roleplaying and watching movies, some gaming groups would become marathons. I think that Halloween was the closest that one of the group got to seeing a horror movie since he started calling me "Anita" because I liked sleazy horror movies. They eventually started calling me Sam, which is short for my full name, Tori. Well, I've taken my nickname as my own and now use it when I write movie reviews, blog posts, and social media updates instead Decker Shado reviews of my own name. Both old and new movies are good, but I prefer the more sexy ones. Because I love the 1980s, the nerdier part of life is what I enjoy. I love 80s music and 80s pop culture. And of course, 80s horror movies. I like old computers. My blog talks about these and many other things.

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Remastered Classics: Classic Movie Night in HD
It is horrifying and awful

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